Category: surfing

Surfing in Manly

One thing that has been on my bucket list since the start was to go surfing in Manly. It is very cliché because Manly is one of the most well-known beaches around Sydney and very touristic but I think since I am living here for a year I can‘t leave without doing it once.

The surf forecast seemed pretty good for Monday so my friends Lara and Caroline and me took the train to Circular Quay and from there the ferry that goes to Manly. We rented boards in a surfshop next to the beach and went surfing for two hours. The surf was better than I expected and we really enjoyed it.

Surfing in ‘Nulla

Since I started surfing in July last year the only photos I ever took while surfing were from my first lesson. This Saturday Luce got up early with Lara and me to take photos of us while surfing. We had high tide and the water was just going back to low tide again so there weren’t a lot of waves but the ones we had were pretty good for surfing! ??‍♀️

Sunday Açai

Sunday I went surfing in the morning together with my friend Lara. It was pretty windy so the surf was not very easy but we still had some good waves 🙂

After surfing I bought an açai bowl at a very cute store named D Bowls Cronulla which had a very pretty interior design and then we went to watch a friend‘s baseball game 🙂

Sporty Sunday

Today is Sunday. After the swell was too high and the sea too turbulent to surf yesterday, I gave it another try today. I started my day with a selfmade berry smoothie bowl with some granola.

I arrived twenty minutes prior to my lesson so I sat down on the stones and watched some of the professional surfers.


The surf school initially planned to go surfing at North Cronulla but there was a lot of water moving around which made the sea unsettled and hard to surf. So we went surfing at South Cronulla where the water was a lot calmer and the conditions good for surfing.

After surfing I used the time to do a try-out session at a gym not far from Cronulla.

Gym outfit 🙂 haha

And now I have to return to the usual Sunday routine, meaning doing homework and preparing for school.

Bondi Beach

This weekend I‘ve finally been to Bondi Beach! Since summer isn‘t far away and Bondi is crowded in summer Luce and me decided to go there this Sunday. It is beautiful and I really want to go and surf there one day in summer 🙂

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My first surf lesson

Surf and beach weekend

Saturday, 29th July

Saturday I went on a surf day trip with some international students and had my first surfing lesson at the Farm Beach which is south from Sydney. It was so much fun! I really enjoyed it!

The Farm Beach

In my wetsuit
With the internationals 🙂
Thumbs up to the coach because I did it
Happyyy 🙂





Sunday, 30th July

On Sunday we had super good weather and 26°C so my host sister Luce and me went to Cronulla to spend the day at the beach!

Cronulla Beach
Cronulla beach sign